LELAND, NC (WWAY) -- More than a week after Tim Jayne was fired as Leland Police Chief, accusations from his days in office continue to come to light.
One Leland resident says the police have been harassing him for months he says they helped his ex break into his home and steal from him.
According to an incident report from the Brunswick County Sheriff's Office, the victim's ex-girlfriend came to his home in June with Leland Police Sgt. Hank Smith and a few other people.
The man says Sgt. Smith entered the home with his service weapon out of the holster. The victim, who does not want talk on camera or be named publicly because of what he says are ongoing FBI and SBI investigations, says he was handcuffed and put in a police vehicle while the group cleaned out the house. The report says they took nearly $11,000 worth of items, including a flat screen TV, laptop and cash.
According to the report, Sgt. Smith, who did not have a warrant with him, told the victim, "Where you are going you won't need these things." Police took the man, who has been convicted several times for worthless checks, obtaining property by false pretenses and larceny, to the Brunswick County Jail. He was quickly released because officers only had a criminal summons.
Since that day the victim says Leland Police have harassed and threatened him.
"The past few months have been terrible for me and my family," the man said in a statement to WWAY. "Every time I drive through Leland, I really do fear for my safety every time I see a Leland Police officer."
Interim Leland Police Chief Karl Smith said this is the first he has heard of any investigation. He also said while he cannot get into the details officers responded the way they would to help anyone get their stuff back from an ex.
The FBI would not confirm or deny any investigation. A SBI spokeswoman has not returned a call for comment.